Application Procedure

The Oxford Book of World Records title is bestowed upon the most exceptional accomplishments in the world. This esteemed recognition is not granted lightly, as it requires adherence to rigorous standards and policies.

In order to be considered for inclusion in the book, each record must satisfy the following criteria:

Measurable Is the goal measurable? What are the units of measurement? Applications based on subjective variables will not be accepted. For example - beauty, kindness, honesty.

BreakableCan you break the record? Our record titles must be open to challenge.

Standardisable - Can someone else repeat the recording? Can you create a set of parameters and conditions that all applicants must meet?

Verifiable - Can the claim be supported? Is there any real evidence that it happened?

Based on a variable - Is the registration based on a single benefit and measured in a unit of measure?

World's Best - Has anyone done it better? If the record bid is new, Oxford Book of World Records has minimum requirements to overcome.

We measure each new record title against the values ​​of integrity, respect, inclusion and passion. As such, there are a number of internal policies that all documents must adhere to.

For example, we do not accept: inappropriate behavior that could harm or endanger viewers.

Records that threaten or harm animals.

All of our nutritional data is limited to small amounts of food and short time intervals, such as the fastest time to eat three crackers. 

Wasted food -We need all food related data to comply with our strict food consumption and donation policies. Posts related to drinking in a drinking contest, binge drinking, Illegal recording activity.

Anyone under the age of 16 who attempts to keep records that are considered inappropriate for minors. Our policies are
regularly reviewed and updated in collaboration with professional organizations and based on reader feedback.